The Best of 2023
It’s kinda customary, when putting these round up posts together to say something pertinent about the year – maybe the challenges you faced, or to make it a kind of manifesto for your work going forwards. I’m not going to do any of that frankly this time round – if you do want to see something of a manifesto; then I think pretty much everything I wrote about my end of 2022 pretty much still stands – and you can read it here. I still stand for capturing joy above everything, I believe that your wedding photos should have both style and substance – they don’t have to be mutually exclusive. I believe that gorgeous photos are for everyone too – I don’t need to see your Insta when you get in touch – fuck that.
2023 has been another incredible year – I’ve worked with THE best couples who’ve really made my job an utter pleasure. I started shooting film again, which has me feeling like an excited art school student, getting scans through is really the best feeling.
Weirdly, the wedding industry has almost come full circle in the 13 years since I’ve been shooting weddings – at the time it was kind of about pushing back against tradition for it’s own sake, stripping out the patriarchy and making weddings feel cool and youthful again. At the time there was this one old school photographer who has the same photo of the groom dipping the bride in every single blog post on their site; but now that’s all over Tik Tok again and I don’t really know how I feel about it. If it’s a bit of an ick for you too, then perhaps we might be on the same wavelength.
Speaking of which, I’ve got a few more 2024 spots, but some key dates have gone already, and August is totally full. So you can get in touch over here. I guess that was a bit of a manifesto after all……