Anita & Emily – a Lesbian humanist wedding
First of all – let’s hear it for Summer weddings . Weddings in gardens surrounded by lush greenery, where the sun doesn’t set until well after the party has begun. There’s a reason that Summer is so often a narrative plot point in rom coms and stories. And as we creep into that season of weddings, I wanted to share some shots from Anita & Emily’s wedding day on the blog. It was truly one of my favourites last year (I feel like I say that about all my weddings) – it had a really special, super relaxed energy. They are truly the sweetest pair, as were all their friends and family.
Starting with a ceremony in a clearing in a wood by the wonderful Aggie The Celebrant filled with harp music, readings from some of their dearest friends and a beautiful mirrored walk up the ‘aisle’ from each of them as they processed from the house into the ceremony spaces surrounded by their families. Afterwards they rowed across a lake and straight out into a shower of confetti. So feast your eyes on just a handful of photos from their day.